Why Principles are Dangerous In Relationship
There are principles embedded in creation—timeless, unchanging, and potent—that yield results regardless of who applies them or the motives behind their application. They function almost like divine laws, indifferent to the heart posture of the one employing them.
In much the same way, it is entirely possible to sow Godly principles without cultivating a heart for intimacy with God or a true desire to know and be known by Him. These principles may produce results, but they do not guarantee relationship.
The highest outcome we can achieve when pursuing Godly actions without truly pursuing God Himself, is, nourishment for the soul.
Yes, long hours in prayer, studying the Word, and worship can soothe the restless mind and strengthen the soul. But this pales in comparison to the profound peace that flows from being in genuine communion with God—being in His presence, delighting in His nearness, and walking in intimate knowledge of Him.
It is a perilous state to live in—a form of godliness that produces temporary results but lacks the substance of relationship. This “results without relationship” approach may initially appear fruitful, but it sets a person on a dangerous path. Sin is never far from those who rely on principles without the Person. In fact, such mindset is the breeding ground for devilish wisdom—a counterfeit “good” that has no connection to God Himself.
If we find ourselves doing all the right things—praying, serving, worshipping—without seeking the Right One, it is time to repent. If our hearts have discovered a loophole where we approach God’s presence as spiritual consumers rather than devoted worshippers, we must repent even more earnestly. This kind of misuse of His presence is nothing short of a spiritual abuse of God’s grace.
Spiritual Consumers
If our hearts have discovered a loophole where we approach God’s presence as spiritual consumers rather than devoted worshippers, we must repent even more earnestly.
I do not want to stand before God one day, proclaiming that I prophesied, performed miracles, and cast out demons in His name, only to hear Him say, “I never knew you” (Matthew 7:22-23). What a terrifying reality that would be—to wield His power yet miss His heart.
It is time for us, as God’s people, to realign…
It is possible for a woman to conceive during the right biological window without intimacy—without delighting in the experience or knowing the man who fathered the child. In the same way, we cannot afford to approach God’s principles as a means to an end, using Him for what He gives while withholding our hearts from Him.
God is not blind to our motives. He is not indifferent to the abuse of His gifts. Let us turn back to Him—not for results, but for relationship. Let us seek Him, not because we want His hand, but because we long for His face.
Dear Lord, teach me to navigate the results that materialise from the things of the Spirit. Yet, above all, help me to prioritise being with You before attaining anything.
In any way or area where I may have settled for the outcomes of spiritual exercises without seeking You, search my heart for such hidden wickedness and uproot it completely. Where my heart has unknowingly grown stubborn or hardened, Lord, soften it again and make me tender toward You.
I desire to know You, Lord. I long to always desire to know You–to hunger for Your presence, and pursue You above all else.
While Your presence is indeed filled with joy and eternal pleasures, may I never seek those joys and pleasures apart from You. You are the source; You are the goal.
You are my heart’s deepest desire. My longing is for You—first and foremost. Help me, Lord, to choose You above everything else, especially the by-products of being with You.
You first. You always. You forever.