Training & Development
With several topics to choose from, training in the form of:
Team Retreats
Webinars & Online Classrooms
can be developed and tailored to the specific needs of your organisation. Including, but not limited to:
Gaining Credibility as a Leader
Self Leadership
Managing Conflicts
Managing your Boss
Mentoring & Coaching
Emotional Intelligence
How to work in Teams!
Communicating Effectively
Overcoming Nerves
Speech Preparation Techniques
Effective Story Telling
Personal Branding like a Pro!
Articulating your Brand Identity
Managing Brand Perception
How to find Fulfilment in life
Understanding Motivation
Discovering Gifts & Talents
From Success to Significance
“You could give Joshua a scenario and he will flip it on its head, by making you think about the scenario in reverse order. This then facilitates the need to think differently and harder. Amazing right? He is not your typical thinker-he goes beyond the norm to influence your thought processes differently.