How to overcome nerves: Confident speaking for success (e-book)


This is for you!

If you’ve ever spoken publicly before, then you will have encountered the sudden fright, rush of anxiety, or what is largely referred to as "nerves", before, during and sometimes after the "large task" (as many people would describe it) of addressing an audience.

There can be enormous pressure to make sure that the presentation being delivered is done “perfectly”. And often, we need the reassurance that we have gotten our point across correctly, whilst avoiding anything that might result in public embarrassment.

As several studies show, the fear of addressing an audience in any public manner, is only second to the fear of death for many people. It has acted as a mental barrier which has stopped many from progressing at work; even hindering them from publicly and genuinely expressing deep emotions of happiness and gratitude outside of work.

Whilst delivering masterclasses on public speaking, I kept noticing that anytime I taught on “Overcoming Nerves'', the room would always light up, as the attendees would eagerly take pen to paper, in hope of receiving some much-needed insight. Hence the motivation for this book.

This book is dedicated to;

  • Helping you build the confidence you need to speak in front of others

  • Helping you to publicly express yourself without feeling anxious

  • Helping you to better motivate those you address

  • Helping you progress further in your career


This is for you!

If you’ve ever spoken publicly before, then you will have encountered the sudden fright, rush of anxiety, or what is largely referred to as "nerves", before, during and sometimes after the "large task" (as many people would describe it) of addressing an audience.

There can be enormous pressure to make sure that the presentation being delivered is done “perfectly”. And often, we need the reassurance that we have gotten our point across correctly, whilst avoiding anything that might result in public embarrassment.

As several studies show, the fear of addressing an audience in any public manner, is only second to the fear of death for many people. It has acted as a mental barrier which has stopped many from progressing at work; even hindering them from publicly and genuinely expressing deep emotions of happiness and gratitude outside of work.

Whilst delivering masterclasses on public speaking, I kept noticing that anytime I taught on “Overcoming Nerves'', the room would always light up, as the attendees would eagerly take pen to paper, in hope of receiving some much-needed insight. Hence the motivation for this book.

This book is dedicated to;

  • Helping you build the confidence you need to speak in front of others

  • Helping you to publicly express yourself without feeling anxious

  • Helping you to better motivate those you address

  • Helping you progress further in your career

This is for you!

If you’ve ever spoken publicly before, then you will have encountered the sudden fright, rush of anxiety, or what is largely referred to as "nerves", before, during and sometimes after the "large task" (as many people would describe it) of addressing an audience.

There can be enormous pressure to make sure that the presentation being delivered is done “perfectly”. And often, we need the reassurance that we have gotten our point across correctly, whilst avoiding anything that might result in public embarrassment.

As several studies show, the fear of addressing an audience in any public manner, is only second to the fear of death for many people. It has acted as a mental barrier which has stopped many from progressing at work; even hindering them from publicly and genuinely expressing deep emotions of happiness and gratitude outside of work.

Whilst delivering masterclasses on public speaking, I kept noticing that anytime I taught on “Overcoming Nerves'', the room would always light up, as the attendees would eagerly take pen to paper, in hope of receiving some much-needed insight. Hence the motivation for this book.

This book is dedicated to;

  • Helping you build the confidence you need to speak in front of others

  • Helping you to publicly express yourself without feeling anxious

  • Helping you to better motivate those you address

  • Helping you progress further in your career